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Conservation Meeting Minutes 11/7/02

Conservation Commission
November 7, 2002

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Mike Cook, Hank Langstroth, Stephan Glicken, Janet Dunlap were the members present.  Katherine Roth arrived at 7:48 p.m. and Peter Holden arrived at 8:00 p.m.

7:45 p.m. Abbreviated N.O.I. (unsettled) Public Hearing, David and Bonnie Klayman, Lot 106, 61 Eisenhower  Drive:

David Sperduto, Wetland Delineator from Gunther Engineering, represented the applicants. He performed the initial test plot in 1999 (based on vegetation alone) and labeled it "Test Plot 99"  In the Spring of 2002, he sampled vegetation at two test plot locations, "Test Plot A" and Test Plot B".  The center of each plot is marked with black and orange striped flags. He recorded observations on DEP field data forms and submitted them to the Commission. "Test Plot A" was in an upland location with non-hydrophytic vegetation and "Test Plot B" a wetland with hydrophytic vegetation.  Seven test holes numbered TH-1 through TH-7 were dug and marked with black and orange striped flags.  Soil interpretations were very difficult as the soil was stony and cobbled and the amount of time it took to dig each test hole was approximately one hour.  Several of the test holes showed evidence of podzolization. By using observations of the soil profiles to identify and characterize those areas of the site that have ground water close to the surface as designated in the Sharon Rules and Regulations, David Sperduto delineated those areas on Locus Map.  A portion of adjoining land that met requirements for a Freshwater Wetland swamp, using bright yellow flagging with numbers B-1 through B-155, an island of upland at the northerly end of the site he also delineated.
Greg stated that "Test Plot A" was basically over 40' away from both wetland flags and he would like to see it marked closer.  In terms of where the existing wetland flags are located on the site, in some areas there are one or two flags that could be moved down gradient on Conservation's part, but Flag B-2-3 through B-6 should be evaluated as being too low.
Hank asked David Klayman his status on obtaining variances.  David stated that this is step 1 of the Board of Health requirement, to obtain delineation wetland line approval from Sharon Conservation Commission.
Peg advised David Sperduto to meet with the Commission's Consultant, Forrest Emery, for a site visit to perform soil analysis testing in the area of B-2-3 through B-6, as shown on the November 7th sketch of test holes on Lot 106, Eisenhower Drive.
David Klayman requested a hearing continuance from the Commission so that David Sperduto and Forrest Emery can evaluate and analyze their findings on the controversial area of the proposed project site.
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until November 21st at 7:45 p.m. Peg informed the present abutter, Mr. Charles Bickoff, 63 Eisenhower Drive, that the hearing continuance would not be advertised in the newspaper.
Hank moved. Mike seconded.  Voted. Unanimous.

8:15 p.m.  Ben Jones, Boy Scout Troop 77 in Canton, Eagle Scout Project:

Ben proposed an Eagle Scout project to the Commission to re-establish an abandoned trail located to west and south of the Sharon Community Center. Ben proposes to place wood chips on false trails from the Community Center parking lot as a form of erosion control. He proposes to construct a bridge over an existing concrete dam and construct a boardwalk over a gully on the main trail.
Peg suggested that Ben review similar Eagle Scout projects on file in the Conservation Commission Office to obtain useful information for construction materials that could be used for this project.
Peg advised Ben to file a Request for Determination of Applicability and present a photograph or a plan of the project to the Commission.

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8:25 p.m.  N.O.I. Public Hearing, Sharon DPW Proposed Construction of a Sidewalk on Billings Street from Mann's Pond to Deborah Sampson Street.  DEP # SE-280-435:

Peter O'Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, appeared before the Commission. He presented Locus Map of Billings Street and U.S.G.S. Map of the area. He proposes to construct a 700' long bituminous concrete sidewalk from Mann's Pond East toward Deborah Sampson Road. The sidewalk will end approximately 70' before the stream going under Billings Street and will include a 92' wide leaching trench to maintain current peak runoff.  The entire proposed sidewalk would be inside the 50' BVW and 50' Stream Buffer.  Proposed bituminous curb is 6" above the roadway.
Josh Philibert flagged the wetlands at the site.  
Abutter, Paul Skolnik, 174 Billings Street, was present and explained to the Commission that when the roadway was paved approximately 1 year ago the berm was raised slightly above the road and a 2' wide area of dirt was placed parallel to the top of the berm.
The Commission determined that the proposed sidewalk be level with the top of the berm.
Peg requested submittal of an updated set of plans and called for a motion to continue the hearing until the 21st of November at 8:15 p.m.
Stephan moved.  Mike seconded.  Voted. Unanimous.

8:45 p.m.  Other Issues:

Katherine Roth presented information to the Commission in response to the proposed Title 5 changes.  A panel and group discussion is scheduled for November 18th in Easton.
The Commission reviewed Consultant Forrest Emery's proposal to assess and evaluate the Klayman's BVW delineation for lot 106 Eisenhower Drive.
Peg called for a motion for the Commission to support the contacting of the property owner of 287 N. Main Street to seek a Conservation Restriction on the property for accessibility to the Massapoag Trail from N. Main St.
Mike moved. Hank seconded. Voted. Unanimous.
Peg called for a Commission vote to endorse the letter from Christopher Hardy to Gov.-Elect Romney in support of Bob Durand's re-appointment as EOEA Secretary.          6  yes  
                                                                                                     1  no
                                                                                        0 abstained

9:00 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills and Conservation Restriction Lot 1, Massapoag Ave, 1.4563 acres of land, Robert G. Morse, Jr. 111 Morse Street.  

9:05 p.m.  Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the October 17th Meeting Minutes.
Kathy moved.  Peter seconded. Voted 4-0-3.

9:10 p.m.  Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank moved. Peter seconded.  Voted. Unanimous.